What happens after a Car Accident?

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Whether the police are present or not, some actions should be taken following a vehicle accident. Without police, these steps are vital.

Collect as much tangible proof as you can. Photograph the scene of the collision, your vehicle’s damage, the road surface, and any skid marks or debris on the road. In the absence of authority, it is critical to get photographic evidence.

Consult any eyewitnesses. If someone saw the accident, they may be able to provide details that help determine who was at fault. Find out if the witnesses will make a formal statement and get their contact details.

Information is exchanged between the parties. This is critical if the cops don’t show up. Determine who has the other’s name, address, phone number, insurance, and license plate number. Limit your conversation to the core essentials. Even if you’re being kind, you should never apologize for an occurrence. If the other driver’s insurance company interprets your statements as an admission of fault, they may deny your claim.

Notify the authorities. If the cops are called to the scene, they will very certainly prepare and present you with a report. A copy of the accident report may be obtained by calling the nearest police station. If no one was injured and no one called 911, you may make your own police complaint. It is highly recommended. If you were injured after the crash and the other driver blames you, get an official accident report to support your personal injury claim.

It’s vital to comprehend the police report

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It is a legal document that details a traffic collision. A police report usually includes the following:

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Details about the incident

  • The names, addresses, and phone numbers of all drivers and passengers must be provided.
  • If police were present, the officer’s name and badge number.


  • The police report will detail both drivers’ prior traffic offenses and legal infractions.
  • The police report will usually include a schematic or detailed drawing of the accident, as well as photographs of the scene.

Why should you fill out your own police report?



A cop should interview you and the other driver and write up a report. Even if the cops don’t come, you should file a report for the following reasons:

  • When a car accident occurs, there may be no evident injuries or vehicle damage. This is especially true when it comes to injuries, as adrenaline can sometimes mask the symptoms of certain illnesses. In the event of a personal injury claim, a police report is required to preserve an official record of the incident.
  • You and the other driver may agree on the immediate cause of the accident. After an accident, determining culpability can be difficult if there is no police report or if the other driver changes his or her story to implicate you.

A police report simplifies the insurance claim process and will always be used by the car accident attorneys in Lafayette. You can check HensleyLegal for more help. An official police report also provides images, witness testimony, and initial statements from both drivers, which may make it more difficult for the other driver to prove your fault caused the accident. This may make it more difficult for the other driver to sue you for damages. If no police officer arrives at the site, file your own complaint. To safeguard your legal rights, you should consult with a skilled car accident lawyer.

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 Tips on how to deal with a car accident

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  • Even if you are guilty of an offense, never admit fault; the other driver may use this statement to deny your claim.
  • Documentary evidence is important, particularly in circumstances where liability is unclear. Since vehicle damage and injury can occur without a clear culprit, it is best to preserve all information about the incident.
  • If a police report wasn’t produced at the time of the accident, your attorney can make a police report. This official document will add credibility to your claim and may help you get compensation for your injuries or damaged vehicle
  • After all, insurance adjusters can drag things out in an attempt to invalidate claims and save money on claims. Resolving damages with an insurance company is a time-consuming process.
  • If you have a police report, it will be easier to prove the damage to your vehicle and injuries sustained in a car accident.
  • You can claim compensation for medical bills, lost wages, property damage and other losses that may occur due to a car crash.
  • You need an attorney who is experienced with injury claims. A personal injury lawyer can help you get an official police report and stress damages that may have been overlooked by a car insurance company.
  • It’s important to recover the maximum amount of compensation for your losses, especially if no police officer was present at the accident site.
  • If a copy didn’t come to the scene, you should file a formal complaint with your local law enforcement, as well as take photos of any vehicle damage or injuries sustained in the crash. Don’t lose this evidence as it is essential when it comes to filing an insurance claim with your insurer. Without this documentation, it will be more difficult to prove liability and receive compensation from an insurance company or through small-claims court. Your case will fall apart due to lack of information, which can make it difficult to get the vehicle damage repaired or replaced.
  • You should assign your claim a case number and file this with documentation (photos or video, etc.) proving the extent of any damages caused by the accident. Without this information, you may not be able to collect compensation from either party’s insurer.
  • If there is an injury resulting in broken bones, medical bills and lost wages due to time off work will be expensive and will affect your future income. You should check recovery costs from both parties’ insurers — if not handled by one company, they might argue that the other should pay for these losses.
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It’s important to understand your legal right when it comes to compensation for accidents caused by others. A car accident lawyer will help you get the best results, including full restitution for losses that are not covered by insurance or damages awarded in small-claims court.

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