Best Ways to Pack More in Your Car When Moving or Traveling

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Whether it was a week-long camping trip, or your last move to your new apartment when it comes to moving with a lot of luggage in our cars we’ve all had our fair share of experiences.


It’s also true that almost all of these experiences involved traveling in a cramped-up car with the luggage taking up most of the space, and even still there was more we wish we had space to bring along with us.

Now, let’s be real, if you want to move something as big as say a couch, you would have no other choice but to hire a moving van to get the job done properly. But if this is about being able to stuff that last carton in your car when it’s already fit to burst, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are five ways to pack more into your car when moving or traveling:

  1. There’s always more space

So, you think you’ve packed your car, and there is no more space in it? Well, one long, hard look might tell you otherwise. Did you utilize the space under your seats, or how about storing smaller items at your feet instead of stuffing them in a box that’d take too much valuable space in your trunk?

space under your seats

You could even utilize the area around your spare tire (but make sure it’s still accessible; it’d be a pain to unpack if you need to change tires along the way).

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2.Quality over Quantity

Let’s face it; you don’t need everything you’d want to carry with you to your next house. Sentimental values aside, much of the stuff we have in our homes is, for lack of a better word, junk and if you get down to it, you’d realize you’re probably better off without them.

In short, one of the best ways to carry more in your car with you is actually to carry less of what you don’t need. Prioritizing is key and sad though it may be, it may be time to let some of your stuff go.

  1. Making use of your car’s exterior

Ever wished your truck was a little bigger because then you wouldn’t have to pack so much in the inside of your car. Well, overhead carriers and hitch cargo carriers let you do exactly that. Both of these are great for stacking on large boxes that don’t fit in your truck or interior, thus letting you carry way more than you normally could.

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The only drawback is that you’d have to secure your luggage with a bunch of ropes for the simple carriers, but some of the best hitch cargo carriers and overhead carriers available today have lids on them that let you carry your stuff more securely too, eliminating even this problem.

  1. Bags instead of boxes or luggage cases
bags in car

Boxes and luggage cases may be pretty dependable for transport if you’re traveling by train or air, but that’s because you have the luxury of space there. However, a box’s (or a suitcase for that matter) strictly rectangular and cuboid shapes hardly make the most of the available space of your car. The solution? Use bags instead.

Vacuum bags that can shrink a load of clothing and bedding into manageable packets are best for this purpose, but if you don’t want to invest in those then clean garbage bags would do the trick too. Though do make sure only to put the stuff that can’t get damaged easily in bags; small, delicate items need to go in strong boxes or cases where they can’t get damaged.

  1. If possible, use small boxes for delicate items
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As mentioned before, small, delicate items need to be packed in boxes or suitcases to avoid damage. But one way you can save on a lot of space is by packing your smaller items in numerous small boxes instead of one large box.

The advantage of doing so is that small boxes can be easily placed in tight corners and awkward spots between other pieces of luggage, thus helping you utilize more space. Keeping them in numerous small boxes also lets you access them with more ease, which means you won’t have to go through too much trouble if you need them during your journey.

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